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20 Pounds in 80 Days

Posted on October 17 2012

When I graduated High School (16+ years ago) I was 185 pounds. 6 Feet tall, 185 pounds. Slender, not much muscle but slim and in relatively good shape. I went to College and discovered that you could consume beer on a nightly basis. I found out that you can eat cheeseburgers and french fries every day!! For a while I actually thought that french fries were a vegetable. And I ate my vegetables every single day. Four years later I was close to 240 pounds. Ugh. Explains my lack of female companionship those last few years. There have been times within the last decade that I got close to 200 pounds. But here I sit at 34 years old, 6 feet tall, 220. My ideal weight is around 185-190. I just calculated my BMI-30. I am obese.

What I am going to do about?

I'm going to drop 20 pounds in 80 days. My program started yesterday, 10/16/12. It ends on January 3, 2013. As luck would have it, I started on my wife's birthday and I will end 2 days before a vacation. Every time we schedule a vacation I always want to get in shape beforehand so I look good in the zillions of photos that will be taken. This year I will finally make it so.

Why am I doing this?

  1. I'm not happy with the way I look. Not at all.

  2. I have an almost indesrcibable feeling on my sides, almost like something from inside is pushing against my skin. Very uncomfortable.

  3. I want to be a good example for my children.

  4. I certainly want to look good for my wife. She spends a lot of time on yoga mats and on Pilates reformers. It's my turn to giver her the gift of an attractive body on her husband.

How will I do this?

I have no idea.

That's not true. I actually know exactly what I have to do.

  1. Drink lots of water

  2. Eat Breakfast every day

  3. Eat less bad foods and more good foods

  4. Exercise daily

  5. Drink less beer (and more wine!!!)


I know exactly how to get to where I want to be. Up to this point I have not been able to put the action plan into force.

What tools will I use?

  1. Two kettlebells- a 20 lb bell and a 35 pound bell.

  2. A pair of Brook's running shoes

  3. My body (bodyweight exercises)

  4. An entirely new way of thinking about how to live a healthy life.

My Goals

  1. Drop 20 pounds in 80 days

  2. Add muscle despite losing weight

  3. Eat and drink healthier foods more often

  4. Look good on our next vacation.

I welcome anyone to join me in this event. Compete with me. I could use the push especially as we get close to the Holidays.

Here we go. #20in80days

A few of my tools

A few of my tools

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